The Manchurian Candidate in the White House

Many of you have seen the movie “The Manchurian Candidate” set in the Korean War when an American Patrol is captured by the enemy. One of their members is brainwashed and subsequently programmed to assassinate the President of the United States when his controllers so desire. The assassin’s mother is a communist agent and her husband is also running for president.

Moving forward several years to Nine Eleven, Al Qaida promised they would defeat America from within and what better way to achieve their goal than placing one of their own in the White House: Barak Obama. Below are ten good reasons why Obama is leading America into oblivion and should not be re-elected:

10) Obama’s economic actions have failed to lower the unemployment rate in the U.S. below 8 percent for last 42 record months.

9) The Obama administration’s out-of-control spending has led America to the economic brink and destroyed the country’s credit rating.

8) Obama’s reckless spending and fiscal policies have added more to the national debt than most U.S. presidents combined: Roughly $6 trillion in his first term in office (making the total debt nearly $16 trillion, and by White House projections alone, $21.3 trillion by the end of fiscal 2017, $25 trillion in 2021 and $25.9 trillion in 2022).

7) Obama has not only detrimentally increased the costs of entitlements but the dependency of citizens upon government subsidies, rather than empowering the people’s autonomy, responsibility and freedom. 47% of the population doesn’t pay income tax.

6) Obama demeans private enterprise and the entrepreneurial spirit – the very heart of America – and, instead, believes “only” government is America’s savior.

5) President Obama has left the U.S. in a weaker and more disrespected position in the global community.

4) Obama has broken or unfulfilled 324 campaign promises.

3) Throughout his presidency, President Obama is invoking and enabling a radically progressive secular state in the U.S.

2) Obama elevates himself above the U.S. Constitution — which contains the rulebook for his presidency — discarding and bypassing its principles and tenets.

1) Four more years of President Obama will not only fundamentally transform but also unravel the very fabrics of the republic as the Founding Fathers knew it and as we know it.

You may argue “the Manchurian Candidate” analogy mela-dramatic, but let’s consider Benghazi. An American consulate is destroyed and a US ambassador murdered at a time when the president is boasting at every campaign stop that he has crushed al-Qaida. In an effort not to disrupt this narrative, the White House and the Obama campaign spend weeks claiming the incident was merely a protest over a video, rather than a real terror attack. Then intelligence surfaces showing just the opposite.

 The killers in Benghazi were no street mob, and Obama knew as much from the beginning. If the American voters are stupid enough to re-elect this sham of a president and his cohorts, I believe the truth will emerge over the Benghazi fiasco and Obama will be impeached.

So my fellow Americans, don’t waste your vote on Obama; VOTE FOR ROMNEY.



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